Hollie and Anna Oakley Foundation

Grant Process

We welcome any questions you may have about the Oakley Foundation, or the process of obtaining a grant from the Oakley Foundation.

Grant applications can be submitted at any time. Our Board of Directors reviews suitable applications at our quarterly meetings. Grant applications are due:

  • January 10 for review by January 31
  • April 10 for review by April 30
  • July 10 for review by July 31
  • October 10 for review by October 31

The Oakley Foundation awards grants in West Central Indiana and East Central Illinois. If your organization does not serve those areas, your request will not be considered.

PLEASE NOTE: The Oakley Foundation can only consider grants to organizations with a valid 501(C)3 status. If you have questions regarding the criteria for obtaining 501(C)3 status, please contact your legal and financial consultants or the Internal Revenue Service.

I am interested in attending a College or university and need financial aid. Can the Oakley Foundation help?

The Oakley Foundation grants money for scholarships; however, these funds are only granted to qualifying institutions and organizations with a 501(c)3 number. The Oakley Foundation can not grant money to any individual.

How does my organization obtain 501(c)3 status?

Contact your Legal or Financial advisor or the Internal Revenue Service.

How does my organization apply for a grant from the organization?

All Grants start with the submission of a Grant Application. Our application can be accessed by clicking on the “Submit a Grant Application” button at the top of this page.

What happens after I submit my application?

The Board of Directors of the Hollie and Anna Oakley Foundation carefully reviews every application submitted at the designated quarterly meetings. If the Board has questions about your organization, program, or grant application, they will contact your organization.

What are the grant amounts that the Oakley Foundation has granted in the past?

Visit our 990-PF filing which lists all of the grants for the previous year.